jueves, diciembre 07, 2006

Confirmation link

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday. Still paying too much for your current mortgage?

Great News, your refinance application has been accepted!

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $338,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Please visit the confirmation link below and answer only a few questions.


We accepted your loan request

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday. Still paying too much for your current mortgage?

Great News, your refinance application has been accepted!

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $341,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Please visit the confirmation link below and answer only a few questions.


We accepted your loan request

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday. Still paying too much for your current mortgage?

Great News, your refinance application has been accepted!

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $341,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Please visit the confirmation link below and answer only a few questions.


A Good home work! 3,100 USD per month + Your will need not more than 2 hours

Part-time Position: Correspondence manager vacancies.


RITM Company is looking for new candidates for the shipping manager position.

We are the world's largest global transportation company, operating in more than 18 countries and territories and employing 200 people worldwide.

Many Internet auctions and stores in the US do not ship the products overseas. As the result thousands of customers in Europe and Asia are not able to access the large market and purchase high-quality merchandise at so low prices. Our service is in the ever-growing demand. Today we have more then 80 merchandise managers on the territory of the United States and Canada but quantity of our customers increases and we plan to expand.


As a part-time employee, you'll have access to the following benefits:


  • $3,100 per month

  • You need 8-10 hours free during the week, not more

  • $38,000 per year

  • Free UPS shipping

  • Comprehensive medical and life insurance for you and your dependents

  • Weekly paychecks

  • Direct deposit

  • Set work schedule

  • And more others benefits, which you can find on our web site or call inour Careers Center!


More information about this position and our company you can find on

our website at: http://www.partner-job.com/Our_vacancies.htm


With best regards, Oleg Volkov,

Project manager, RITM Company!

Loan request approved

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday. Still paying too much for your current mortgage?

Great News, your refinance application has been accepted!

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $368,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Please visit the confirmation link below and answer only a few questions.


We are ready to give you a loan

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday. Still paying too much for your current mortgage?

Great News, your refinance application has been accepted!

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $389,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Please visit the confirmation link below and answer only a few questions.



 Decidiendo a que conferencia o evento asistir esta mañana porque es . imposible asistir a todas las que se nos invita. Asistó hoy a la entrega de Premios  Responsabilidad Social Empresarial  de las empresas de SOFOFA. Un extraordinario y valioso discurso de Bruno Phillipi, su presidente y del Presidente de ENDESA . Los premiados eran ENDESA CHILE y GERDAU AZA .Todos resaltaron la importancia de la Responsabilidad Social para la empresa.
El  Gerente de Gergadau AZA se encontraba en Brasil y desde allá envió un caluroso saludo y motivador para los empresarios  que presenciamos en enorme pantalla.
Entre los muchos asistente al evento estava la creme de la creme ( como decía mi abuela ) de los empresarios Chilenos. Además conversé con Gustavo Rivera  Gerente de SOFOFA Responmsabilidad Social
Felicitaciones a SOFOFA por este importante aporte a la empresa Chilena.

Aggressive Investors Alert

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Next Big market Winner!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Wall Street Alert!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Stock Trader Alert!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Wall Street Alert!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Next Big market Winner!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.


Asesor internacional sostiene que la ética empresarial es ...
La Nación (Paraguay) - Paraguay
... Mencionó que hay tres grandes actores sociales que presionan la responsabilidad social empresarial, considerada parte de la ética empresarial. ...

Saludos Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernández
Renato Sanchez 3586
TELEFONO: 2451168 - 5839786
Santiago - Chile


rse en el mundo se comenta

Compañía telefónica lidera ranking de responsabilidad social en ...
Cadena Peruana de Noticias - Peru
... a través de la actividad empresarial del Grupo ... y tecnológico), como de la acción social que realiza ... segundo informe anual de Responsabilidad Corporativa 2005 ...

Debaten sobre importancia de la Responsabilidad Social en el ...
El Nuevo Diario (República Dominicana) - Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic
... como parte del desarrollo del su programa de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, a ... pertenecientes a sectores diversos de la actividad empresarial: el comercio ...

Next Big market Winner!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Wall Street Alert!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

RSE: desde Argentina inclusion social

Informe Especial
Propuestas empresarias para la inclusión social

El martes de la semana pasada se llevó a cabo el encuentro anual de la Asociación Cristiana de Dirigentes de Empresa (ACDE). Más de 350 ejecutivos que se dieron cita en el Sheraton de Pilar tuvieron un día atípico: la totalidad de la jornada estuvo dedicada a dar respuesta efectiva al problema de la marginalidad social, que el sociólogo Agustín Salvia de la UCA calculó que afecta a un tercio de la sociedad. "No es verdad que si la economía va bien todo lo demás está bien. Estamos en un país con profundas inequidades", planteó Santiago del Sel, titular de ACDE. Se propuso trabajar desde cada compañía en la integración de redes con otras empresas que trabajen en el mismo objetivo; en el apoyo corporativo a incubadoras de empresas de inclusión social, y en la canalización de acciones de voluntariado desarrolladas por las empresas y su gente, hacia el objetivo de la inclusión social. La actividad cerró con la descripción de una serie de acciones concretas que los empresarios bien podrían encarar para cumplir el objetivo propuesto: la primera de ellas, identificada como el "programa Umbrales", propone revisar los criterios usados a la hora de seleccionar personal, y que determinan que muchos no tengan posibilidad de acceder al empleo que origina el crecimiento económico.
Saludos Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernández
Renato Sanchez 3586
TELEFONO: 2451168 - 5839786
Santiago - Chile


Wall Street Alert!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Rocket Stock Report

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.