miércoles, junio 06, 2007

Re: Thank you, we are accepting your debt request

Your credit score does not matter to us!
If you OWN property and want IMMEDIATE pocket money to spend ANY way you like, or simply require to LOWER your payments by a third or more, here is our best deal we can offer you THIS NIGHT (hurry, this lot will expire TODAY):
$208,000+ debt
AND EVEN MORE: After further review, our lenders have established the lowest entire payment!
Hurry, when the deal is gone, it is gone. Simply fill this short form...
Don't worry about approval, your your credit report will not disqualify you!

Good day!

Good day, dear

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See you


Sernam organiza seminario

Sernam organiza seminario
Diario de Aysen - Coyhaique,Chile
Un seminario sobre Responsabilidad Social en la Empresa y Buenas Prácticas Laborales con Equidad de Género, anunció la directora regional del Servicio ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema


Elaboran cuadro de honor empresarial
El Financiero (México) - Mexico
En la evaluación de 21 elementos --finanzas, operaciones, recursos humanos, productos y servicios, atención a clientes, imagen y responsabilidad social, ...
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El 60% de las empresas apoya la RSE
ComunicaRSE - Buenos Aires,Argentina
Según el informe presentado por la Fundación Empresarial para la Acción Social, Fundemas, que conmemoró su séptimo año de labores, un 60 por ciento de las ...
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Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586
Santiago, Chile
Escribanos, consultenos, opine

Fill in your loan request form.

Your l*oa*n r*eques*t was received.
Now we want to inform you about all the clauses of your loan.
Please visit our site and fill in registration form.
After doing that we will call you immediately.
Thank you for using our services.