sábado, junio 02, 2007

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Bylo Pustynno i odinoko. Reshenie Gilsveri Ostanovivshis na vershine pologogo sklona na vyhode iz ustia Mercaiushchej Rasseliny, Gilsveri cepkim vzgliadom okinul holmistuiu ravninu, podpiravshuiu Podnozhie Ushcherbnyh gor, nizkuiu kamenistuiu griadu, kosym klinom podpolzaiushchuiu k Ustiu sleva, i tonkuiu lentu edva protoptannoj tropinki, tianuvshuiusia riadom s Griadoj. Altares Ahiv Neureji, Verhovnyj mag Kordosa, bystro shel po koridoru zamka kerik, Zanimavshego centralnoe polozhenie v gorode Nesmotria na nekotoruiu tuchnost, Svojstvennuiu rosloj i massivnoj figure Verhovnogo, shag ego byl stol Stremitelen, chto dvum enventam-rasporiaditeliam prihodilos pochti bezhat za svoim Svetlejshim. No oboshlos.
Priroda protestuiushche otozvalas treskom lomaemyh Vetok, zvuchno lopalis rvushchiesia kanaty lian, bryzgi rastitelnogo soka Leteli v lobovoe steklo i borta. Ruki podnial, poganec, Vyshe golovy, kogtiami v sonnoe nebo upersia, slovno sobralsia emu krov vypustit, Klyki straholiudnye oskalil, chto zver, glaza krasnym plamenem zazheg, budto ugli, Vyhvachennye iz ochaga i vstavlennye v prokliatye Svetom glaznicy. Eto mne uzhe ponravilos. Chto ia mogu sdelat dlia tebia sejchas? On tiazhelo vstal, s vidimym usiliem raspravliaia muskulistye plechi.
Potomu chto eto lico bylo ee sobstvennym. U Onni vyrvalsia nervnyj smeshok. On? I s soboj tozhe? Kak eto mozhet byt? Da otojdi zhe ot nego, proshu tebia, net, umoliaiu, otojdi ot nego Nemedlenno! Ustupaia nastojchivoj prosbe, ia otstupil na shag, zatem eshche na odin, Rassmatrivaia raspiatoe telo i reshaia, kak mne byt. Glavnoe, ia ostalsia zhiv.
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It's snowing, it's returning to a town
Traces of those deep cuts lie thickly upon
Of too much truth to do much more than lie
She stretches a hand toward the toothy sleeper
Your gloved hands covering your lips' good-bye
When I am heard, and what I say is solely
Upon from the right by far trees, that white place
With sun's warmth wasted on a stone,
Scrawny wolves, and you,
Like theirs ends? From what distant point of vision
Dim, and die tonight?
VII. Hudson and His Strait; Baffin and His Bay
at balls hit again and again toward her offspring.
How can they get the point of how a world
Clear-voiced despite its years, strong, eloquent—
Beneath a pile of corpses, lying massed
A frame of glided twilight—I
Blurring the terrain,
From there. Toward . . .

responsabilidada social empresarial:noticias

Las personas como soporte de la innovación
Diario Vasco - Euskadi,Spain
Las actuaciones de Kutxa en el ámbito de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) están dirigidas hacia los clientes de la organización, ...
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El 60% de las empresas locales apoya la RSE
El Diario de Hoy - El Salvador
a responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) se vuelve en un elemento cada vez más importante en los mercados competitivos, y El Salvador no es la excepción. ...
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BanCaribe apoya formación humana y ciudadana
Nueva Prensa de Guayana - Venezuela
Precisó que la iniciativa, al igual que todas las acciones de responsabilidad social del banco, tienen el objetivo de promover un modelo de desarrollo que ...
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El estado de la RSE según los sindicatos
ComunicaRSE - Buenos Aires,Argentina
Esta publicación pretende ser un manual de orientación sindical sobre la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE). En la primera parte se repasan las ...
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Los retos de la tecnología en RSE
ComunicaRSE - Buenos Aires,Argentina
Por otro lado, Sony cuenta con un Plan de Acción de Responsabilidad Social que canaliza a través de dos Programas: 'SomeOne Needs You' --un proceso de ...
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Mucho ambiente, poca estrategia
ComunicaRSE - Buenos Aires,Argentina
Aunque el concepto de la responsabilidad corporativa (RC) o de responsabilidad social de la empresa (RSE), no es un término novedoso, aún no existe un ...
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Admiral. That part of a warship which does the talking while the figurehead does the thinking.
The original ''crime'' of ''niggers'' and lesbians is that they prefer themselves.
Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise.
I decided once and for all that I was going to make it or die.
The Christian's Bible is a drug store. Its contents remain the same, but the medical practice changes.
With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. [Merchant Of Venice]
Those who write clearly have readers, those who write obscurely have commentators.
As we advance in life we learn the limits of our abilities.
In science, read by preference the newest works. In literature, read the oldest. The classics are always modern.
Natural amiableness is too often seen in company with sloth, with uselessness, with the vanity of fashionable life.
Ask five economists and you'll get five different explanations�six if one went to Harvard.
Architecture is petrified music.
A torchlight procession marching down your throat.
The advice that is wanted is commonly not welcome and that which is not wanted, evidently an effrontery.
I would be married, but I'd have no wife, I would be married to a single life.
Scratch a Yale man with both hands and you'll be lucky to find a coast-guard. Usually you find nothing at all.
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.
I have often seen an actor laugh off the stage, but I don't remember ever having seen one weep.
You're only young once, but you can be immature forever.