For example, NetBeans 5.
Eclipse requires the big WTP download.
5 includes the Visual Web Pack. Why should you have to download a myriad of plug-ins to get the basic features you need?
It became apparent that if Java Studio Creator existed as a pack (rather than a separate IDE), it would be far easier to just install it over NetBeans 5.
Would you rather have: The functionality you get in Java Studio Creator merged into the NetBeans IDE, so that you have one tool that does everything?
Drag the PERSON node from the Servers window and drop it next to the TRIP table in the top panel.
If you are deploying to a different server, you might need to add the following JAR files to your project. setAttribute( ImageServlet. comments-syntax-indicator span. For example, NetBeans 5.
Copy the following XML tags and and paste into the empty XML file. 1 did not support JDK 5.
Furthermore, project sharing between the two IDEs is not smooth.
Even if you do not include images in your report, you must add a mapping for this servlet, because JasperReports uses blank images for spacing.
Applications can be deployed only on the single bundled application server, while NetBeans supports deployment to many servers.
The Java technology nomenclature itself can create a real communications divide.
Sun Java Studio Creator 2 - Tutorials - Generating Reports and PDFs From a Web Application Skip to Content Java Solaris Communities Sun Store Join SDN My Profile Why Join? Use the Extensions and MIME Types property for XML Objects in the Options dialog box to add jrxml to the list of XML objects. If the bundled database is not running, right-click the Bundled Database Server node in the Servers window, and select Start Bundled Database. 7, consult the JasperForge web site to determine which JAR files to select. The jury is still out on this, but it is still very big.
If you plan to use web services, copy dom.